Full Name
Company Name
Alternate Company Name Spellings:
Company Brand Voice: (Tell us about the voice of your company so that we can create the best content for your Google My Business Posts. Ex: friendly, youthful, punny, serious.)
Year Founded:
City Founded:
Total Number of Locations:
Highlights to Feature in Business Summary: (Enter the main points you’d like us to highlight in your new GMB Business Description)
Service Areas or Radius: : (Nearby cities that your business serves)
Hours/Days of Operation:
Holiday Closures and other changes in availability:
Website URL:
Company Highlights: (Distinctions like: Veteran-Owned, Women-Led)
Accessibility: (Select From Below):
Wheelchair Accessible Elevator
Wheelchair Accessible Entrance
Wheelchair Accessible Restroom
Amenities: (Select From Below)
Unisex Restroom
Planning: (Select From Below)
Available for new customers/patients
LGBTQ Friendly
Transgender Safespace
Approval Process: Do you want a batch of your Google My Business Posts shared with you for approval before they are posted?
Yes - Weekly
Yes - Monthly
Files Zebra GMB Requires:
Photos: Select and send us the best photos of your organization, location, team, and products/services
Videos: Select and send us the best videos of your organization, location, team, and products/services
Please send us your company logo file (720x720 pixels)