First Name
Last Name
Tell Us About Your Business*
Current Monthly Revenue3
Less Than $5,000
$10,000 - $20,000
$20,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000
$100,000 +
What has been your biggest struggle with your online marketing so far?
What would you say has been your least effective advertising method?
What is the average Lifetime value of your average customer? This is your profit over the life of that customer
Why should your customers buy from you rather than a competitor? (be specific of your Value proposition)
I'd Like To Target Clients Who Are :
Kids & teens
In their 20’s
In their 30’s
In their 40’s
In their 50’s
Senior citizens
What product or service would you like to sell more of?
What is your budget range for getting new customers (per customer)?
Could You Give Us The Websites Of Your Top 3 Competitors?
What is your biggest concern working with a company for online marketing?
What are you looking to get from this audit or phone call?
Do you have a Spouse or Partner who will need to be present on the call with you in order to make an investment over the phone?
Can you handle a potentially large influx of customers, orders, sales, leads, etc?
Yes, I am ready to grow!
No, I cannot handle right now.
Is There Anything Else You'd Like To Tell Us?