Some structurally fixed, unchangeable, elements of this template:
-Navigational Menu Bar (NMB) sticks to top as user scrolls
-Geometric shapes are not removable or interchangeable.
-Navigational Menu Bar content color change feature (hoover over button feature)
-Button feature (i.e. elevate/hoover when user scrolls over button)
-Content font and (specified) spatial orientation
-Some buttons spatial orientation and structure (please read fixed elements- per section)
-Section layout. However, you can eliminate an undesirable section. Please choose the appropriate option. if option is chosen and completed by your T.E. you will not be able undo the eliminated section
DOES NOT HAVE: Top of Page (ToP) and Base Navigational Menu (BNM)
Main color: (Fixed)
Purple (#5C3FF4)
Two accent color(s):
Accent Color- Orange (#FC703C)
Sub Accent Color- Aquamarine (#40ECCC)
Option 1. Keep Purple (existing color- #5C3FF4)
Option 1. Keep Purple (existing color- #5C3FF4)
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep orange (existing color- #FC703C)
Option 1. Keep orange (existing color- #FC703C)
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
If you recently submitted ANY Basic 2-5 webpage template forms (i.e. Service Page, Contact Us Page, Blog Page) PLEASE SKIP ALL FIXED (SUB)SECTIONS AND COMPLETE ALL OTHER SECTIONS, READ TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM.
REMEMBER: A fixed section or subsection is a particular part of the webpage that shows up synonymously on each website’s webpage template; CONTENTS OF FIXED SUB(SECTIONS) DO NOT CHANGE THROUGHOUT EACH WEBPAGE OF WEBSITE.
Need Forms: BASIC 2-5 WEPAGE C&I FORM. For Fixed (Sub)Sections: BLOG WEBPAGE/ADD FORM (If have more than two blogs to reference).
If any content form(s) is/are incomplete, your assigned T.E. is unable to process and complete any relevant webpage form. PLEASE BE SURE TO READ EACH ANSWER TO KNOW WHICH CONTENT FORM QUESTION IS NEEDED.
PLEASE NOTE: For button, the terms "SUB-LINE" and "SUB-TEXT" are, within this form, interchangeable. They both are termed for the latter line content located on the button.
If OPTION 1 button action goes to a page that is not available (member did not purchase), its action will default to the present page used. For example, user is on Homepage, OPTION 1 button action will default to the Homepage, not the Service Page OPTION 1 stated.
Navigational Menu Bar (NMB) (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of NMB section:
-Sticks to top as user scrolls.
-Back ground color: white (#FFFFFF)
-Navigational menu item (i.e. Home, Store…etc.) content color: Black (#000000)
-Content spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the NMB section:
-Navigational menu item content (i.e. Home, Store…etc.)
Option 1. Copy and Paste Company’s Name (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 2)
Option 1. Copy and Paste Company’s Name (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 2)
Option 2. Please upload my logo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo Downloads.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep existing menu content
Option 1. Keep existing menu content
Option 2. Change menu content (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 6)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep existing sub-accent color aquamarine (#40ECCC)
Option 1. Keep existing sub-accent color aquamarine (#40ECCC)
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Next 9 questions pertain to the Navigational Menu Bar and Middle of Page, just a little something extra for you!
Option 1. Keep “as is” and continue to stick to top of screen
Option 1. Keep “as is” and continue to stick to top of screen
Option 2. Stick to bottom of screen as user scrolls
Option 3. Do not stick to screen as user scrolls
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Do not change, please keep “as is”
Option 1. Do not change, please keep “as is”
Option 2. Change to Charcoal Black (existing color: (#20292F))
Option 3. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 4. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 5. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. NO, please keep “as is.”
Option 1. NO, please keep “as is.”
Option 2. YES, please include a button.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. “Call Now”
Option 1. “Call Now”
Option 2. Your Company Phone Number (i.e., 000-000-0000)
Option 3. “Call Us Now!”
Option 4. “Don’t Win | Don’t Pay”
Option 5. “You Don’t Pay Unless We Win”
Option 6. “Free Case Evaluation”
Option 7. “No Obligation Call”
Option 8. “Free Consultation Call”
Option 9. “Call A Representative Now”
Option 10. “Call Office Now!”
Option 11. “Call Our Attorney Office Now!”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. No sub-button content
Option 1. No sub-button content
Option 2. Your Company Phone Number (i.e., 000-000-0000)
Option 3. “Call Now”
Option 4. “Call Us Now!”
Option 5. “Don’t Win | Don’t Pay”
Option 6. “You Don’t Pay Unless We Win”
Option 7. “Free Case Evaluation”
Option 8. “No Obligation Call”
Option 9. “Free Consultation Call”
Option 10. “Call A Representative Now”
Option 11. “Call Office Now!”
Option 12. “Call Our Attorney Office Now!”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Change to Charcoal Black (existing color: (#20292F))
Option 1. Change to Charcoal Black (existing color: (#20292F))
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. No background (boarder) Button Color
Option 1. No background (boarder) Button Color
Option 2. Yes, change to Charcoal Black (existing color: (#20292F))
Option 3. Yes, change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 4. Yes, change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 5. Yes, change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. No, I would not like accreditations shown within my NMB.
Option 1. No, I would not like accreditations shown within my NMB.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Heading (H)
Unchangeable Elements of Heading section:
-Size and spatial orientation of section
-Heading content (i.e. Contact Us) color, size and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color, size and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED) color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Heading section:
-Heading content (i.e. Contact Us)
-Paragraph content
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED)
-Add element (i.e. form and form heading)
Option 1. Keep “Contact Us” as heading content
Option 1. Keep “Contact Us” as heading content
Option 2. Change heading content to “Contact [Copy and Paste Company’s Name] (i.e Contact Great Law Firm) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 2)
Option 3. Change heading content to “Contact”
Option 4. Change heading content to “Connect with Us”
Option 5. Change heading content to “Need to Connect”
Option 6. Change heading content to “Need to Contact”
Option 7. Please eliminate heading content
Option 8. Change heading content to “About”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Please eliminate sub heading content
Option 1. Please eliminate sub heading content
Option 2. Copy and paste my (1,2,3…Step Process) as paragraph content (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 23a)
Option 3. Copy and paste my short passage as paragraph content (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 24b)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep button content as “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION” Action, go to- POP-UP
Option 1. Keep button content as “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION” Action, go to- POP-UP
Option 2. Change content to “CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 3. Change content to “READY TO START?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 4. Change content to “READY TO START YOUR CASE?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 5. Change content to “TELL US YOU’RE CASE?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 6. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION CALL!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 7. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 8. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, TELL US YOU’RE CASE” Action, go to- POP UP section (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 9a and 9b)
Option 9. Change content to “GET STARTED” Action, go to- POP UP section (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 9a and 9b)
Option 10. Change content to “OUR SERVICES” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 11. Change content to “MORE SERVICES” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 12. Change content to “MORE INFORMATION” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 13. Change content to “HAVE QUESTIONS?” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 1
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 1:
Left Side
-Geographical dot
-Photo spatial orientation
Right Side
-Heading content (i.e. Get in Touch) color and spatial orientation
-Sub heading content-1 (i.e. Small Call to Action Headline) color and spatial orientation
-Sub heading content-2 (i.e. Action Headline) color and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. CALL NOW…) color and spatial orientation
-Form content color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 1:
Left Side
-Photo spatial orientation
Right Side
-Heading content (i.e. Get in Touch)
-Sub heading content-1 (i.e. Small Call to Action Headline)
-Sub heading content-2 (i.e. Action Headline)
-Button content (i.e. CALL NOW…) and action
For Q. 14: Option 3, Option 4. To link the paragraph text to a URL Page. Click on the headline section of box. Highlight content with curser, a menu with icons should show (i.e. bold icon, italicized icon…etc). The link icon is represented as a chain linkage. Click on the link icon and type in the URL of the desired page accordingly (www.mortgagebroker/ page…etc.). You should link the member’s website domain name to the webpages prior to starting the build.
For Q14, Option 4. HOW TO UPLOAD PRE-CLIENTELE FORM from the form section of high-level. In order to upload any form, the form must exist in high-level forms, so you must build the form first. If you must upload a form underneath a photo or a heading section or etc, click the plus (+) of the section. A menu will open. Choose FORM under “Form,” click on the form that you must upload into the desired section.
Option 1. Keep “Get in Touch” as heading content. Eliminate subheading content 1 and subheading content 2. Keep button text and button subtext content as is. Button action, click to call office directly. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 28)
Option 1. Keep “Get in Touch” as heading content. Eliminate subheading content 1 and subheading content 2. Keep button text and button subtext content as is. Button action, click to call office directly. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 28)
Option 2. Keep “Get in Touch” as heading content. Eliminate button. Copy and paste Pre-Clientele Form Heading as subheading content-1. Eliminate subheading content-2. Keep button content and subtext content as is. Button action, click to call office directly. Eliminate pre-existing form (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 28)
Option 3. (PHOTO) (T.E. CHECK NOTE) Change heading content to “Get in Touch, We Handle Cases Such as…” Copy and paste three to four services offered from company as subheading content-1 and “etc…”. Change subheading content-2 to “CLICK HERE FOR MORE SERVICES” and link subheading-2 to go to SERVICE PAGE. Keep button content to “YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW” and keep button subtext content as is. Button action, click to call office directly. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c and 28)
Option 4. (T.E. CHECK NOTE) Change heading content to “Get in Touch, We Handle Cases Such As…”. Eliminate subheading content-1 section. Change subheading content-2 section by copy and pasting three to four services offered from company, link all of subheading content- 2 to go to SERVICE PAGE. Keep button content and subtext content as is. Button action, click to call office directly. Eliminate existing form and upload Pre-clientele form (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c 14b and 28)
Option 5. (PHOTO) (T.E. CHECK NOTE) Change heading content to “We Are Ready to Handle Your Case TODAY”. Change subheading content-1 to “We Handle Cases Such as…”. Copy and paste three to four services offered from company as subheading content-2, add “etc..” and link all of subheading content-2 to SERVICE PAGE. Keep button text as “YOU CAN CALL RIGHT NOW” as button content and “OR FILL IN INFO BELOW” as button subtext. Button action, click to call office directly. Eliminate existing form and upload Pre-clientele form (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c 14b and 28)
Option 6. (T.E. CHECK NOTE) Change heading content to “Don’t Wait, Let Us Handle Your Case!” Change subheading content-1 to “All personal injury cases are very important to us. We make it our duty to see no injury case get left behind.” Change subheading content-2 to “Start your case TODAY, we are on your side”. Change button content text to “NOW, IS THE TIME TO CALL” and button subtext to “OR FILL IN INFO BELOW Button action, click to call office directly. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c)
Option 7 (T.E. CHECK NOTE). Change heading content to “We Are the Personal Injury Attorney’s for You… Contact Us TODAY!” Change subheading content-1 to “Don’t be shy to speak to us about your matter…Some cases we handle are as follows…”. Copy and paste three to four services offered from company as subheading content-2, NO LINK. Change button content text to “TALK TO US NOW!” and keep “OR FILL IN INFO BELOW” as button subtext. Button action- click to call office directly. Eliminate existing form and upload Pre-clientele form (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c and 28)
Option 8. (PHOTO) (T.E. CHECK NOTE) Change heading content to “Have You Suffered an Injury? Don’t Delay…Get in Touch Us Today!” Change subheading content-1 to “If you have questions about any injury or you think you have a case concerning a matter.” Change subheading content-2 to “Our representatives are waiting for your call… call us to start your process to compensation NOW.” Keep button content but change button subtext to “OR FILL OUT FORM BELOW”, button action click-to-call office directly. Eliminate existing form and upload Pre-clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c and 28)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads: [please provide photo label (For Title- Q. 15- Left Side Photo)]
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 2
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 2:
-Divider spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. Where Are Located at…) color and spatial orientation
-Button content-1 (i.e. office address) and subtext-1 color and spatial orientation
-Button content-2 (i.e. office address) and subtext-2 color and spatial orientation
For Q. 17, Option 2 to Option 8. To create another button, you will have to copy button present. Just click on address button present> in upper right corner (within BUTTON orange section) click on copy (two overlapping paper icon). To move section, just click on the up and down arrows shown in upper left corner.
Option 9. PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE: (must copy and paste TEMPLATE ONLY in space provided. Fill in BRACKETS ONLY with content given throughout Question 17 options above). ANSWERS ARE CAPITAL and LOWERCASE sensitive.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads-[please provide photo label (For Title- Contact Us Page/ Q. 18- Replace Map Photo)]
Option 3. Place a relative stock image of a map.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 3
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 3:
-Divider spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. Questions Most…Have) color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph BOLDED question content color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph answer content and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. HAVE MORE…CALL US!) and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 3:
-Title content (i.e. COMMON QUESTIONS)
-Heading content (i.e. Questions Most…)
-Paragraph BOLDED question content
-Paragraph answer content
-Button content (i.e. HAVE MORE…CALL US!) and action
Option 1. Keep “Questions Most Clients Have” as bolded heading content, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 1. Keep “Questions Most Clients Have” as bolded heading content, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 2. Change bolded heading content “Some Questions Most Clients Have”, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 3. Change bolded heading content to “Some Common Questions,” copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 4. Change bolded heading content to “Some Answers from Attorneys” as heading content, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 5. Change bolded heading content to “Contact Us, We Can Answer Your Questions”, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 6. Change bolded heading content to “Clientele Questions”, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 7. Change bolded heading content to “Your Questions, Attorney Answers”, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
Option 8. Change bolded heading content to “Your Questions, Professional Answers”, copy and paste your Common Questions as paragraph content. (Fill in content, starting with Common Question 1) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 26a to 26n)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep button content as “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION” Action, go to- POP-UP
Option 1. Keep button content as “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULTATION” Action, go to- POP-UP
Option 2. Change content to “CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 3. Change content to “READY TO START?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 4. Change content to “READY TO START YOUR CASE?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 5. Change content to “TELL US YOU’RE CASE?” Action, go to- POP UP section
Option 6. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION CALL!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 7. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 8. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, TELL US YOU’RE CASE” Action, go to- POP UP section (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 9a and 9b)
Option 9. Change content to “GET STARTED” Action, go to- POP UP section (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 9a and 9b)
Option 10. Change content to “OUR SERVICES” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 11. Change content to “MORE SERVICES” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 12. Change content to “MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CASES WE HANDLE” Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 4
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 3:
-Divider spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. Work with Us?) color and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. Click Here to See Our Various… below to start.) and button subtext (or provide…start) color and spatial orientation
-Form content color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 3:
-Heading content (i.e. Work with Us?)
-Button content (i.e. Click Here to See Our Various… below to start.) and button subtext (or provide…start)
-Form content color and spatial orientation
Option 1. Keep “Work with Us” as bolded heading content, ELIMINATE button (Click Here to….) and button subtext (or provide…start). Upload a Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 1. Keep “Work with Us” as bolded heading content, ELIMINATE button (Click Here to….) and button subtext (or provide…start). Upload a Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 2. Change bolded heading content to “Job Opportunity: We Are Hiring!” Keep button content “Click Here to See Our Various Jobs, Job Requirements and Also Apply on (T.E. will copy and paste 3rd party site).” Button action, send to provided 3rd Party employment URL webpage. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 3. Change bolded heading content to “Work with Us, We are Hiring”. Keep button content “Click Here to See Our Various Jobs, Job Requirements and Also Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or fill in information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 4. Change bolded heading content to “Employment: We Are Hiring!” Keep button content “Click Here to See Our Various Jobs, Job Requirements and Also Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or provide information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 5. Change bolded heading content to “Work with Us, Work with a Purpose!” Change button content “Click Here to Search Our Various Jobs Opportunities and Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or provide information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 6. Change bolded heading content to “Work with a Purpose!” Change button content “Click Here to Search Our Various Jobs Opportunities and Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or provide information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 7. Change bolded heading content to “Employment Opportunity: You are Wanted” Change button content “Click Here to Search Our Various Jobs Opportunities and Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or provide information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
Option 8. Change bolded heading content to “Would You Like to Work With Us?” Change button content “Click Here to Search Our Various Jobs Opportunities and Apply on (copy and paste 3rd party site).” Keep “or provide information below to start the employment process” as button subtext content. Button action, send to provided 3rd Party URL. Upload your Basic Pre-Employment Opportunity Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 27)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 5 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 5:
-Background color
-Divider spatial orientation
-Title content (i.e. ONLY THE BEST) and spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. Fresh Ingredients...)color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. VIEW ITEMS) color and spatial orientation
-Image content (i.e. time clock icon) color and spatial orientation.
-Sub-heading content (i.e. Mortgage Options) color and spatial orientation
Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 5:
-Title Content (i.e. ONLY THE BEST)
-Heading Content (i.e. Fresh Ingredients...)
-Paragraph content
-Button content (i.e. VIEW ITEMS) and action
-Image content (i.e. envelope icon)
-Sub-heading content (i.e. How to Save)
-Image content (i.e. time clock icon)
-Sub-heading content (i.e. Mortgage Options)
Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
For Q 24. thru Q. 27, to change image icon to member chosen icon. Click on icon image section, go to setting by clicking on the wheel icon located in the top left corner (apart of orange frame of section). In image settings scroll down to Image Option. You will see in Image Options, IMAGE, click on the picture frame icon right side of URL. You will open up the MEDIA LIBRARY. Please use the arrow located at top left corner to the appropriate icon page. Please count down columns and to the right (photo 1 is top right, photo 2 is next one down)
Page 5: Mobile Phone Icon (photo 26), Page 6: Location Marker Icon (photo 21), Envelope Icon (photo 15), Clock Icon (photo 27), Money Bag Icon (photo 2), House w/Window Icon (photo 9), Piggy Bank Icon (photo 10), Cash Bill Icon (photo 11)
For Q. 24b, Q. 25b, Q. 26b and Q. 27b. FOR SUBHEADINGS, PLEASE BOLD ALL CONTENT.
For Q. 24 thru Q. 27. To view Money Bag Icon, House w/Window Icon, Piggy Bank Icon, Cash Bill Icon please refer to photo 15.
Option 1. NO ACTION
Option 1. NO ACTION
Option 2. Go to SERVICE PAGE
Option 3. Go to BLOG PAGE
Option 4. Go to CONTACT US PAGE
Option 5. Go to ABOUT US PAGE
Option 6. Open POP-UP
Option 7. Open new window for user, use address provide user to a GOOGLE locational page. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4d)
Option 8. Open up SMS messaging for user to direct message via number. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8b)
Option 9. Open up Email messaging for user to email company directly. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4b)
Option 10. Click to Call office directly. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Option 7a. (FOR PIGGY BANK ICON) Keep subheading content to “How to Save”
Option 7b. (FOR PIGGY BANK ICON) Change subheading content to “Affordable Service”
Option 7c. (FOR PIGGY BANK ICON) Change subheading content to “Affordable Attorneys”
Option 7d. (FOR PIGGY BANK ICON) Change subheading content to “Free Consultation”
Option 7e. (FOR PIGGY BANK ICON) Change subheading content to “Low Fees”
Option 8a. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Keep subheading content to “Win Your Case”
Option 8b. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Change subheading content to “Cash Settlements”
Option 8c. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Change subheading content to “Cash Compensations”
Option 8d. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Change subheading content to “Cash Fast Wins”
Option 8e. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Change subheading content to “Your Case Earnings”
Option 8f. (FOR CASH BILL ICON) Change subheading content to “Our Average Settlements”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Eliminate Paragraph Content (REMEMBER: This is a part of a fixed section for ALL WEBPAGES, once eliminated T.E will not be able to undo)
Option 1. Eliminate Paragraph Content (REMEMBER: This is a part of a fixed section for ALL WEBPAGES, once eliminated T.E will not be able to undo)
Option 2. Copy and paste Contingency Fee statement as paragraph content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 10)
Option 3. Change paragraph content to “We Offer Free Consultations For [choose: New or All)] Clientele” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 9a and 9b)
Option 4. Copy and Paste Mission Statement (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
Option 5. Copy and Paste Catch Phrase (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 30)
Option 6. Copy and Paste Credo (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 31)
Option 7. Copy and Paste Vision Statement (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 6- (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 6
-Photo spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. ABOUT OUR COMPANY) color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. READ MORE) color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 6
-Heading content (i.e. ABOUT OUR COMPANY)
-Paragraph content
-Button (i.e. READ MORE)
For Q. 32, Option 5 and Option 6. Please view Photo 13 for reference.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads: [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 31 Left Side Photo)]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “ABOUT OUR COMPANY” as heading content. Copy and paste Company’s Story. Eliminate button and NO button action. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 33)
Option 1. Keep “ABOUT OUR COMPANY” as heading content. Copy and paste Company’s Story. Eliminate button and NO button action. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 33)
Option 2. Change heading content to your Story Heading. Copy and paste a few lines from Company’s Story. Keep “READ MORE…” as button content, button action- go to ABOUT US PAGE (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 33)
Option 3. Keep “ABOUT OUR COMPANY” as heading content. Copy and paste a few lines from Company’s Story. Keep “READ MORE…” as button content, button action- go to ABOUT US PAGE (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 33)
Option 4. Copy and paste Catch Phrase as heading content, copy and paste Vision as paragraph content. Eliminate Button and button action (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 30 and 32)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste your contingency statement as heading content, copy and paste offers on each line- only if available- (“24/7 text messaging for all concerns,” “We offer Free Consultations to [T.E. will fill in New/All] Clientele,” and your Covid-19 related operations as paragraph content. Change button content to “CALL NOW TO SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNY REPRESENTATIVE”, button action- Click to Call. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10, 11 and 12)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Copy and paste your contingency statement as heading content, copy and paste offers on each line- only if available- (“24/7 text messaging for all concerns,” “We offer Free Consultations to [T.E. will fill in New/All] Clientele,” and your Covid-19 related operations as paragraph content. Change button content to “CALL NOW!”, button action- Click to Call. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10, 11 and 12)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Copy and paste your contingency statement as heading content, copy and paste offers on each line- only if available- (“24/7 text messaging for all concerns,” “We offer Free Consultations to [T.E. will fill in New/All] Clientele,” and your Covid-19 related operations as paragraph content. Change button content to “FREE CONSULTATION…!”, button action- Open POP UP. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a, 4c, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10, 11 and 12)
Option 8. Keep “WHAT WE STAND FOR” as heading content. Copy and paste a few lines from Company’s Credo. Keep “READ MORE…” as button content, button action- go to ABOUT US PAGE (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 31)
Option 9. Keep “ARE FIRM’S VISION” as heading content. Copy and paste Company’s Vision Statement or Paragraph. Keep “READ MORE…” as button content, button action- go to ABOUT US PAGE (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 10. Keep “WHY WE ARE HERE…” as heading content. Copy and paste Company’s Vision Statement or Paragraph. Keep “READ MORE…” as button content, button action- go to ABOUT US PAGE (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 11. PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE: (must copy and paste template in space provided. Fill in brackets ONLY with content given throughout Question 22 options above) ANSWERS ARE CAPITAL and LOWERCASE sensitive.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 7- (Box 1, Box 2, Box 3) (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 7- (Box 1, Box 2, Box 3)
Box 1, Box 2, Box 3 (SEE: PHOTO 18)
-Background Color
-Heading content color and spatial orientation
-Title content color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Button spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 7-(Box 1, Box 2, Box 3)
Box 1
-Background Color
-Heading content (i.e. Today’s Rates)
-Paragraph content
-Button content and action (i.e. Learn More)
Box 2
-Background Color
-Heading content (i.e. Buying a Home)
-Paragraph content
-Button content and action (i.e. Learn More)
Box 3
-Background Color
-Heading content (i.e. Diverse Loan Options)
-Paragraph content
-Button content and action (i.e. Learn More)
For Q. 35, Q. 37 and Q. 39: ALL OPTIONS. To link the paragraph text to a URL Page. Click on the headline section of box. Highlight content with curser, a menu with icons should show (i.e. bold icon, italicized icon…etc). The link icon is represented as a chain linkage. Click on the link icon and type in the URL of the desired page accordingly (www.mortgagebroker/ You should link the member’s website domain name to the webpages prior to starting the build.
For Q. 35, Q. 37 and Q. 39: ALL OPTIONS. ALL OPTIONS. BOLD ALL HEADING CONTENT, unless mentioned otherwise.
Option 1. Keep Purple (existing color- #5C3FF4)
Option 1. Keep Purple (existing color- #5C3FF4)
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 2. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (starting with featured blog-1..2..3…etc) title as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of featured blog as paragraph content, change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37 Featured Blog(s) ONLY), Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 3. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) (Start with Associate or Specialist 1). Copy and paste Associate or Specialist name as heading and on next line copy, paste and DO NOT bold Associate or Specialist job position. Copy and paste the starting of the Associate or Specialist brief description as the paragraph content. Change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- CONTACT US. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 34)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “The Best Service” copy and paste “We answer those critical questions that need to be answered when starting your case. What are those questions?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep orange (existing color- #FC703C)
Option 1. Keep orange (existing color- #FC703C)
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 2. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (starting with featured blog-1..2..3…etc) title as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of featured blog as paragraph content, change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37 Featured Blog(s) ONLY), Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 3. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) (Start with Associate or Specialist 1). Copy and paste Associate or Specialist name as heading and on next line copy, paste and DO NOT bold Associate or Specialist job position. Copy and paste the starting of the Associate or Specialist brief description as the paragraph content. Change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- CONTACT US. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 34)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “The Best Service” copy and paste “We answer those critical questions that need to be answered when starting your case. What are those questions?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 2. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (starting with featured blog-1..2..3…etc) title as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of featured blog as paragraph content, change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37 Featured Blog(s) ONLY), Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 3. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) (Start with Associate or Specialist 1). Copy and paste Associate or Specialist name as heading and on next line copy, paste and DO NOT bold Associate or Specialist job position. Copy and paste the starting of the Associate or Specialist brief description as the paragraph content. Change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- CONTACT US. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 34)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “The Best Service” copy and paste “We answer those critical questions that need to be answered when starting your case. What are those questions?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 7- (Box 4 and Box 5) (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 7- (Box 4 and Box 5)
-Box 4 and Box 5 (SEE: PHOTO 21)
-Background Color
-Heading content color and spatial orientation
-Title content color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Button spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 7-(Box 10, Box 11, Box 12)
Box 4
-Background Color
-Heading content (i.e. Corporation Services)
-Paragraph content
-Button content and action (i.e. Learn More)
Box 5
-Background Color
-Heading content (i.e. Tools & Estimators)
-Paragraph content
-Button content and action (i.e. Learn More)
For Q. 42 and 44- ALL OPTIONS. To link the paragraph text to a URL Page. Click on the paragraph section of box. Highlight content with curser, a menu with icons should show (bold icon, italicized icon…etc). The link icon is represented as a chain linkage. Click on the link icon and type in the URL of the desired page (Blog page, Contact Us page…etc.). You should link the member’s website domain name to the webpages prior to starting the build.
For Q. 42 and 44- ALL OPTIONS. BOLD ALL HEADING CONTENT, unless mentioned otherwise.
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 2. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (starting with featured blog-1..2..3…etc) title as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of featured blog as paragraph content, change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37 Featured Blog(s) ONLY), Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 3. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) (Start with Associate or Specialist 1). Copy and paste Associate or Specialist name as heading and on next line copy, paste and DO NOT bold Associate or Specialist job position. Copy and paste the starting of the Associate or Specialist brief description as the paragraph content. Change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- CONTACT US. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 34)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “The Best Service” copy and paste “We answer those critical questions that need to be answered when starting your case. What are those questions?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 2. Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 3. Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 4. Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “How to Start” copy and paste “Start by simply knowing the facts of how to go about starting a case. Starting your case is simple and takes few steps. These are the steps…” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 2. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (starting with featured blog-1..2..3…etc) title as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of featured blog as paragraph content, change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37 Featured Blog(s) ONLY), Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 3. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) (Start with Associate or Specialist 1). Copy and paste Associate or Specialist name as heading and on next line copy, paste and DO NOT bold Associate or Specialist job position. Copy and paste the starting of the Associate or Specialist brief description as the paragraph content. Change button content to “Read more…” and button action, go to- CONTACT US. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 34)
Option 4. (T.E SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Copy and paste (one) service as heading content, copy and paste the starting content of the service as the paragraph content, keep “Learn more…” as button content and button action, go to- SERVICE PAGE 1 or SERVICE PAGE 2 (whichever page is relevant to service listed) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a, 14b and 21a-21h)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “The Best Service” copy and paste “We answer those critical questions that need to be answered when starting your case. What are those questions?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Your Rights” copy and paste “If you are a victim to a personal injury caused by someone or something, know your rights. Want to know what our pros would say?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “What We Stand For” copy and paste “We Stand for Justice! If you’ve been injured, need compensation and need straight answers…We have them!” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Who We Are” copy and paste “A firm that will fight for and defend YOU! We are not here to intimidate you; we are here to help you get what you deserve. How much money you should expect?” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. Button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change heading content to “Our Service” copy and paste “Our law-firm offers exceptional services to win your case. Know the services we offer to fit your needs.” and keep “Learn more…” as button content. button action, go to- This Page (for link, type in “#” and press enter)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 8 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 8
LEFT Side (just photo, not geo template)
-Photo spatial orientation
-Heading content (i.e. Why Choose Us) color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 8
LEFT Side (just photo, not geo template)
-Heading content (i.e. Why Choose Us)
-Paragraph content
For Q. 47. ALL OPTIONS. To link the content text to a URL link page. Click on the paragraph section of box. Highlight content with curser, a menu with icons should show (bold icon, italicized icon…etc). The link icon is represented as a chain linkage. Click on the link icon and type in the URL of the desired page (i.e. Service Page) You should link the member’s website domain name to the webpages prior to starting the build.
For Q. 47 MAKE SURE LINK TEXT COLOR (paragraph settings > color options) IS ORANGE (#fC703C) OR ACCENT COLOR!
For Q. 47. ALL OPTIONS, CHANGE SIZE OF FONT. Click within the paragraph (orange section). In Paragraph Settings, please change MOBILE FONT SIZE to 18 and DESKTOP FONT SIZE to 16. THANK-YOU!
For Q. 47. ALL OPTIONS. BOLD ALL HEADING CONTENT, unless mentioned otherwise.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image
Option 1. Place a relative stock image
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 46, Left Side Photo]]
Option 3. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Keep “Why Choose Us” as heading content. Change bolded paragraph content to “THE BEST ATTORNEYS | IMMEDIATE SERVICE | WE WIN CASES” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Keep “Why Choose Us” as heading content. Change bolded paragraph content to “THE BEST ATTORNEYS | IMMEDIATE SERVICE | WE WIN CASES” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a)
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Work So You Don’t Have To”. Change bolded paragraph content to “THE BEST ATTORNEYS | AWARD SERVICE | WE WIN” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a)
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to your Contingency Fee Statement. Change bolded paragraph content to “READY TO START, BUT NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THE SERVICE YOU NEED” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 10 and 14a)
Option 4. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to Catch Phrase, change bolded paragraph content to “READY TO START, BUT NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THE SERVICE YOU NEED” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a and 30)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Change heading content to “Learn the Right Way to Handle e Your Case”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Need Vital Information from a Personal Injury Attorney’s Perspective? Read Our Blogs…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need Some Case Handling Inspiration”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Check Out Our Blogs…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Have the Right Answers, Right Here and Right Now…”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Let Our Blogs Help Answer Your Questions…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need More Information?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Blogs May Help…” and copy and paste ALL (up to 10) company blogs (Only Titles) offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need More Resources?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Here Are Some Free Resources…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 10. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Free Resources That May Help Your Case”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Don’t Wait to Late, Start Your Case Today…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 11. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Change heading content to “Our Vision Is Our Purpose & Our Promise to You”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Vision…” and copy and paste Vision Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 12. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “The Vision”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Vision…” and copy and paste Vision Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 13. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Fight for Your Rights: The Mission”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
Option 14. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Our Mission Excels in The Court of Law, What Is Our Mission?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
Option 15. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “The Mission”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 9 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 9
-Heading content (i.e. Get Started 100% Digitally) color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED) color and spatial orientation
RIGHT Side (just photo not geo template)
-Photo spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 9
-Heading content (i.e. Get Started 100% Digitally)
-Paragraph content
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED)
RIGHT Side (just photo not geo template)
For Q. 49. ALL OPTIONS. To link the content text to a URL link page. Click on the paragraph section of box. Highlight content with curser, a menu with icons should show (bold icon, italicized icon…etc.) The link icon is represented as a chain linkage. Click on the link icon and type in the URL of the desired page (i.e. Service Page) You should link the member’s website domain name to the webpages prior to starting the build.
For Q. 49 MAKE SURE LINK TEXT COLOR (paragraph settings > color options) IS ORANGE (#fC703C) OR ACCENT COLOR!
For Q. 49. ALL OPTIONS, CHANGE SIZE OF FONT. Click within the paragraph (orange section). In Paragraph Settings, please change MOBILE FONT SIZE to 18 and DESKTOP FONT SIZE to 16. THANK-YOU!
For Q. 49. ALL OPTIONS. BOLD ALL HEADING CONTENT, unless mentioned otherwise.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Keep “Get Started 100% Digitally” as heading content. Change bolded paragraph content to “24/7 ONLINE SERVICE | REMOTE CONFRENCING | TEXT US NOW!” and copy and paste (only if member offers) “24 hours/ 7 days a week case text service line” next line “Our law firm conducts all operations and procedures (i.e. case handling) remotely & conveniently via (T.E. choose: phone, email and/or video conference (via [fill in venue])” next line “Ask us questions, find answers and see our clientele who we help WIN THEIR CASE on our social media pages…” next line “VISIT US ON…[fill in social media pages available]” (link all social media text to the respective members social media page URL) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8b, 10, 13)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Keep “Get Started 100% Digitally” as heading content. Change bolded paragraph content to “24/7 ONLINE SERVICE | REMOTE CONFRENCING | TEXT US NOW!” and copy and paste (only if member offers) “24 hours/ 7 days a week case text service line” next line “Our law firm conducts all operations and procedures (i.e. case handling) remotely & conveniently via (T.E. choose: phone, email and/or video conference (via [fill in venue])” next line “Ask us questions, find answers and see our clientele who we help WIN THEIR CASE on our social media pages…” next line “VISIT US ON…[fill in social media pages available]” (link all social media text to the respective members social media page URL) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8b, 10, 13)
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Keep “Get Started 100% Digitally” as heading content. Change bolded paragraph content to “ONLINE SERVICE | FLEXIBLE COMMUNICATION | PRIVATE!” and copy and paste (only if member offers) “24 hours/ 7 days a week case text service line” next line “Our law firm conducts all operations and procedures (i.e. case handling) remotely & conveniently via (T.E. choose: phone, email and/or video conference (via [fill in venue])” next line “Ask us questions, find answers and see our clientele who we help WIN THEIR CASE on our social media pages…” next line “VISIT US ON…[fill in social media pages available]” (link all social media text to the respective members social media page URL) (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8b, 10, 13)
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Work So You Don’t Have To”. Change bolded paragraph content to “THE BEST ATTORNEYS | AWARD SERVICE | WE WIN” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a)
Option 4. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to your Contingency Fee Statement. Change bolded paragraph content to “READY TO START, BUT NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THE SERVICE YOU NEED” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 10 and 14a)
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to Catch Phrase, change bolded paragraph content to “READY TO START, BUT NEED MORE INFORMATION ON THE SERVICE YOU NEED” and copy and paste ALL company services offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company services to SERVICE PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 14a and 30)
Option 6. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Learn the Right Way to Handle Your Case”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Need Vital Information from a Personal Injury Attorney’s Perspective? Read Our Blogs…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 7. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need Some Case Handling Inspiration”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Check Out Our Blogs…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 8. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Have the Right Answers, Right Here and Right Now…”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Let Our Blogs Help Answer Your Questions…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 9. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need More Information?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Blogs May Help…” and copy and paste ALL (up to 10) company blogs (Only Titles) offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 10. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Need More Resources?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Here Are Some Free Resources…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 11. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Free Resources That May Help Your Case”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Don’t Wait to Late, Start Your Case Today…” and copy and paste ALL company blogs offered for non bolded paragraph content. Link all company blogs to BLOG PAGE. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 36 and 37, Blog Webpage/Add Form, Questions 19 thru 33. Featured Blog(s) ONLY [all forms #s])
Option 12. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Our Vision Is Our Purpose & Our Promise to You”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Vision…” and copy and paste Vision Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 13. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “The Vision”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Vision…” and copy and paste Vision Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 32)
Option 14. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “We Fight for Your Rights: The Mission”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
Option 15. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “Our Mission Excels in The Court of Law, What Is Our Mission?”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
Option 16. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (REFERENCE PHOTO) Change heading content to “The Mission”. Change bolded paragraph content to “Our Mission…” and copy and paste Mission Statement for non bolded paragraph content. NO LINK (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 29)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “GET STARTED” Action, open POP UP section
Option 1. Keep “GET STARTED” Action, open POP UP section
Option 2. Change content to “CALL NOW!” Action, click-to-call office directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 3. Change content to “SPEAK TO OUR REPSENTATIVE NOW!” Action, click-to-call office directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 4. Change content to “CLICK TO CALL NOW!” Action, click-to-call office directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 5. Change content to “START YOUR CASE NOW!” Action, open POP UP section
Option 6. Change content to “CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call office directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4c)
Option 7. Change content to “TELL US ABOUT YOUR INJURY?” Action, open POP UP section
Option 8. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, CALL US NOW!” Action, click-to-call buttons (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a & 4c)
Option 9. Change content to “FREE CONSULTATION, TELL US YOU’RE CASE” Action, open POP UP section
Option 10. Add “HAVE QUESTIONS?” Action, open POP UP section
Option 11. Add “OUR SERVICES!” button. Action, go to- SERVICE PAGE
Option 12. Please eliminate Right Button
Option 13. PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE: (must copy and paste template in space provided. Fill in brackets with content given throughout Question 50 options above) ANSWERS ARE CAPITAL and LOWERCASE sensitive.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Keep stock image as is.
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 51, RIGHT Side Photo]]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 10 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 8
-Photo 1 (top right area) spatial orientation
-Photo 2 (large mid area) spatial orientation
-Photo 3 (lower right area) spatial orientation
-Heading 1 content (i.e. 95%) color and spatial orientation
-Subheading 1 content (i.e. Customer Satisfaction) color and spatial orientation
-Heading 2 content (i.e. 4.14%) color and spatial orientation
-Subheading 2 content (i.e. APR*) color and spatial orientation
-Heading 3 content (i.e. 400+) color and spatial orientation
-Subheading 3 content (i.e. Happy Customers) color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Middle of Page: Subsection 8
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 53, Top RIGHT Area Photo]]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Keep stock image as is.
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 54, Large MID (Left) Area Photo]]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Keep stock image as is.
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 55, Lower RIGHT Area Photo]]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “95%” as heading 1 content. Keep “Customer Satisfaction” as subheading 1 content
Option 1. Keep “95%” as heading 1 content. Keep “Customer Satisfaction” as subheading 1 content
Option 2. Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 1 content. Copy and paste “Customer Satisfaction” as subheading 1 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 3. Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 1 content. Copy and paste “Clientele Satisfaction” as subheading 1 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 4. Copy and paste your AVG. Number of Clients Satisfied as heading 1 content. Copy and paste “Clients Satisfied” as subheading 1 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 5. Change heading 1 content to the Number of Settlement Cases Won, change subheading 1 content to “Settlement Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 6. Change heading 1 content to the Avg Settlement Amount Won, change subheading 1 content to “Settlement Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
Option 7. Change heading 1 content to the Number of Compensation Cases Won, change subheading 1 content to “Compensation Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 8. Change heading 1 content to the Avg Compensation Amount Won, change subheading 1 content to “Compensation Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
Option 2. (DO NOT CHOOSE IF “OPTION 1” IS CHOSEN FOR HEADING 1 CONTENT) Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 2 content. Copy and paste “Customer Satisfaction” as subheading 2 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 3. (DO NOT CHOOSE IF “OPTION 1” IS CHOSEN FOR HEADING 1 CONTENT) Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 2 content. Copy and paste “Clientele Satisfaction” as subheading 2 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 4. Copy and paste your AVG. Number of Clients Satisfied as heading 2 content. Copy and paste “Clients Satisfied” as subheading 2 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 5. Change heading 2 content to the Number of Settlement Cases Won, change subheading 2 content to “Settlement Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 6. Change heading 2 content to the Avg Settlement Amount Won, change subheading 2 content to “Settlement Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
Option 7. Change heading 2 content to the Number of Compensation Cases Won, change subheading 2 content to “Compensation Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 8. Change heading 2 content to the Avg Compensation Amount Won, change subheading 2 content to “Compensation Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “400+” as heading 2 content. Keep “Happy Customers” as subheading 2 content.
Option 1. Keep “400+” as heading 2 content. Keep “Happy Customers” as subheading 2 content.
Option 2. Copy and paste your AVG. Number of Clients Satisfied as heading 2 content. Keep “Happy Customers” as subheading 2 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 3. Copy and paste your AVG. Number of Clientele Satisfied as heading 2 content. Copy and paste “Clients Satisfied” as subheading 2 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 4. (DO NOT CHOOSE IF “OPTION 1” IS CHOSEN FOR HEADING 1 CONTENT) Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 3 content. Copy and paste “Customer Satisfaction” as subheading 3 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 5. (DO NOT CHOOSE IF “OPTION 1” IS CHOSEN FOR HEADING 1 CONTENT) Copy and paste your Percentage of Clientele Satisfaction as heading 3 content. Copy and paste “Clientele Satisfaction” as subheading 3 content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15b)
Option 6. Change heading 3 content to the Number of Settlement Cases Won, change subheading 3 content to “Settlement Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 7. Change heading 3 content to the Avg Settlement Amount Won, change subheading 3 content to “Settlement Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
Option 8. Change heading 3 content to the Number of Compensation Cases Won, change subheading 3 content to “Compensation Cases Won” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 15)
Option 9. Change heading 3 content to the Avg Compensation Amount Won, change subheading 3 content to “Compensation Winnings” (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 16)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 11 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 11
-Background Photo spatial orientation
-Video spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED) and subtext content (i.e. SUBTEXT GOES HERE) color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 11
-Background Photo
-Video footage spatial orientation
-Button content (i.e. GET STARTED) and subtext content
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Keep stock image as is.
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 60, Lower RIGHT Area Photo]]
Option 4. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Do not eliminate and do not add video footage yet.
Option 1. Do not eliminate and do not add video footage yet.
Option 2. Please copy and paste video URL 1 info from my (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form photo uploaded doc section).
Option 3. Please copy and paste video URL 2 info from my (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form photo uploaded doc section).
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “CALL NOW!” as button content. No subtext contents. Action, call office number directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a)
Option 1. Keep “CALL NOW!” as button content. No subtext contents. Action, call office number directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a)
Option 2. Change button content to “CLICK TO QUICK TEXT US YOUR CASE NOW” (subtext content- office number). Action, text message SMS number. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8b)
Option 3. Change button content to “TALK TO US NOW!” Add office number as subtext content. Action, call office number directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a)
Option 4. Change button content to company office number. Add “CALL NOW!” as subtext content. Action, call office number directly (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a)
Option 5. Change button content to “TELL US YOUR CASE”. No subtext contents. Action, go to- POP UP
Option 6. Change button content to “FREE CONSULTATION, CALL NOW!”. No subtext contents Action, call office number directly
Option 7. Eliminate button element.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 12 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 12
-Subheading 1 content (i.e. Mortgage- $25,000/yr.) color and spatial orientation
-Subheading 2 content (i.e. Loan Approval- $115,000) color and spatial orientation
-Image content color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph (i.e. review) content color and spatial orientation
-Sub paragraph (i.e. reviewer’s name) content color and spatial orientation
-Button (i.e. social media site) content color and spatial orientation
-Button subtext content, color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 12
For Q. 66: Option 2 & Option 4, social media icon elements. Go to > Image Settings > under Image- click on picture icon next to URL text. Pick social media icon from 1st page MAKE SURE TO MATCH PHOTO 30, 31 and 32. Upload by clicking (highlighted circled checkmark). Be sure to change image size (in image settings) to: WIDTH (PX)-50, leave HIEGHT (PX)- 0).
For Q. 66. ALL OPTIONS. Make sure subheading 1 and 2 Mobile Size and Desktop Font Size is 20. Go to sub headline Settings >MOBILE FONT SIZE, change to 20 > DESKTOP FONT SIZE, change to 20.
Up to 3 reviews MAX
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 1. Place a relative stock image.
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 64, Background Photo]]
Option 3. Please eliminate image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. KEEP ALL REVIEWS (totaling three reviews)
Option 1. KEEP ALL REVIEWS (totaling three reviews)
Option 2. Eliminate one random review, totaling two reviews. (Once T.E. completes task, cannot undo elimination)
Option 3. Eliminate two random reviews, totaling one review (Once T.E. completes task, cannot undo elimination)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Eliminate subheading 1 contents, eliminate subheading 2 contents and keep quotations as images. Copy and paste Reviews as paragraph content, copy and paste Reviewers First Initial, Last Name and ELIMINATE city and state as subparagraph content. (If available) change button content to respective social media sites and change button subtext content to appropriate social media phrase (i.e. #(PHRASE), TWEET US, GOOGLE REVIEW US, FOLLOW US, SUBSCRIBE) and button action, go to- RELATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA URL. IF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IS UNAVAILABLE DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 13 and 17)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Eliminate subheading 1 contents, eliminate subheading 2 contents and keep quotations as images. Copy and paste Reviews as paragraph content, copy and paste Reviewers First Initial, Last Name and ELIMINATE city and state as subparagraph content. (If available) change button content to respective social media sites and change button subtext content to appropriate social media phrase (i.e. #(PHRASE), TWEET US, GOOGLE REVIEW US, FOLLOW US, SUBSCRIBE) and button action, go to- RELATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA URL. IF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IS UNAVAILABLE DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 13 and 17)
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Eliminate subheading 1 contents, eliminate subheading 2 contents and change quotation images to respective social media images. Copy and paste Reviews as paragraph content, copy and paste Reviewers First Initial, Last Name and ELIMINATE city and state as subparagraph content. (If available) change button content to respective social media sites and change button subtext content to appropriate social media phrase (i.e. #(PHRASE), TWEET US, GOOGLE REVIEW US, FOLLOW US, SUBSCRIBE) and button action, go to- RELATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA URL. IF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IS UNAVAILBLE DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 13 and 17)
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTE) (PHOTO) Change sub heading 1 content to “Insurance Offered- [Amount]” and sub heading 2 contents to “Actual Case Settlement -[Amount]” and keep quotations as images. Copy and paste Reviews as paragraph content, copy and paste Reviewers First Initial, Last Name and city and state as subparagraph content. (If available) change button content to respective social media sites and change button subtext content to appropriate social media phrase (i.e. #(PHRASE), TWEET US, GOOGLE REVIEW US, FOLLOW US, SUBSCRIBE) and button action, go to- RELATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA URL. IF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IS UNAVAILBLE DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 13 and 17)
Option 4. (T.E. SEE NOTE) Change sub heading 1 content to “Insurance Offered- [Amount]” and sub heading 2 contents to “Actual Case Settlement -[Amount]” and change quotation images to respective social media images. Copy and paste Reviews as paragraph content, copy and paste Reviewers First Initial, Last Name and city and state as subparagraph content. (If available) change button content to respective social media sites and change button subtext content to appropriate social media phrase (i.e. #(PHRASE), TWEET US, GOOGLE REVIEW US, FOLLOW US, SUBSCRIBE) and button action, go to- RELATIVE SOCIAL MEDIA URL. IF SOCIAL MEDIA SITES IS UNAVAILBLE DELETE SOCIAL MEDIA BUTTONS (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 13 and 17)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 2. (PHOTO) Change quotation image with an upload REVIEWER photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 67. REVIEWERS 1..2…etc.)]
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 13 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 13
-Heading content (i.e. Get a Free Consultation) color and spatial orientation.
-Paragraph content color and spatial orientation
-Form spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 13
-Heading content (i.e. Get a Free Consultation)
-Paragraph content
Option 1. (PHOTO) Keep heading content to “Get a Free Consultation”, change paragraph content to “Do you need compensation from your personal injury and don't know your rights? Don't delay the CASH WAITING for you! We win cases for you to obtain what you deserve. The consultation is absolutely FREE!” Next line down “Just fill out the informational form and we can get your case concern a jump start! READY?”
Option 1. (PHOTO) Keep heading content to “Get a Free Consultation”, change paragraph content to “Do you need compensation from your personal injury and don't know your rights? Don't delay the CASH WAITING for you! We win cases for you to obtain what you deserve. The consultation is absolutely FREE!” Next line down “Just fill out the informational form and we can get your case concern a jump start! READY?”
Option 2. (PHOTO REFERENCE) Keep heading content to “Get a Free Consultation”, change paragraph content to “Do you need compensation from your personal injury and don't know your rights? We win cases for you to obtain what you deserve. The consultation is absolutely FREE!” Next line down. “Just fill in simple form information and we can get your case concern start! READY?”
Option 3. (PHOTO) Keep heading content to “Get a Free Consultation”, change paragraph content to "Your case concern is very important to us. Please Fill out the form information and one of our representatives will contact you about your case concern.” Next Line down. “We are ready to help you with your case…ARE YOU READY TO WIN?”
Option 4. Keep heading content to “Start Your Free Consultation”, change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your settlement money immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. ASK US, OUR REPS ARE STANDING BY!
Option 5. Keep heading content to “Our Reps are Waiting…”, change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your settlement money immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “As always, are representatives are here to help start your case today…”
Option 6. Keep heading content to “We Are Here to Show them Who’s Boss!”, change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your settlement money immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “As always, are representatives are here to help start your case today…”
Option 7. Keep heading content to “Don’t Wait, Contact Us Now…” change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your settlement money immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “As always, are representatives are here to help start your case today…”
Option 8. Keep heading content to “Don’t Delay Your Compensation…” change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your settlement money immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “As always, are representatives are here to help start your case today…”
Option 9. Keep heading content to “Get the Compensation You Deserve Today” change paragraph content to “Been in an injury and need your compensation immediately? Need an attorney who will be there for you? Have questions about an injury that need answering? Have questions on the process after your unjust action occurred?” Next line down. “As always, are representatives are here to answer ALL your questions and get your case started the right way…”
Option 10. Keep heading content “Get a Free Consultation,” copy and paste your 1,2,3 STEP process as paragraph content. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 33)
Option 11. PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE- (must copy and paste template in space provided. FILL IN BRACKETS WITH CONTENT ONLY given throughout Question 69 options above)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep form as is.
Option 1. Keep form as is.
Option 2. Upload and change form to your Pre-Clientele Form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 28)
Option 3. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads- [please provide photo label (For Title- MoP- Q. 70, RIGHT Side Change Form]]
Option 4. Place a relative stock image.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Middle of Page (MoP): Subsection 14 (THIS IS A FIXED SECTION)
Unchangeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 12
-Heading content (i.e. Location) color and spatial orientation.
-Sub Heading content (i.e. office address/location) color and spatial orientation.
-Heading content (i.e. Hours) color and spatial orientation.
-Sub Heading content (i.e. days of operation) color and spatial orientation.
-Paragraph content (i.e. hours of operation and time zone) color and spatial orientation.
-Heading content (i.e. Contact) color and spatial orientation.
-Button content (i.e. office main number) color and spatial orientation.
-Button content (i.e. office fax number) color and spatial orientation.
-Button content (i.e. office email) color and spatial orientation.
Changeable Elements of Middle of Page: Subsection 12
-Paragraph content (i.e. hours of operation and time zone)
-Heading content (i.e. Contact)
-Button content (i.e. office main number)
-Button content (i.e. office fax number)
-Button content (i.e. office email)
For Q. 72,73,74, 76 and 77. Please make sure ALL HEADING, SUB HEADING CONTENT & BUTTON Font size are correct. Go to Heading Settings, Sub Heading Settings or Button Settings Mobile Font Size is 18 and Desktop Font Size is 22.
If you would like to add an additional address, please fill out a Basic 2-5 Page Revision Request Form. The Basic 2-5 Webpage Content and Information Form will ONLY accommodate (1) locational office address and (1) P.O. Box OR up to two locational office addresses.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Keep “Location”
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Keep “Location”
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to “Main Location”
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to “Headquarters”
Option 4. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to “(city area i.e. Brooklyn) Location”
Option 5. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to “Central Location”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1- (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to office address/location (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4d)
Option 1- (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to office address/location (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4d)
Option 2- (T.E. SEE NOTES) Change to P.O. Box (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4e)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Do not add office address /location
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Do not add office address /location
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Add ONLY office address 2/location 2 (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4e)
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Add ONLY P.O. Box (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4e)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep “Hours”
Option 1. Keep “Hours”
Option 2. Change to “Hours of Operation”
Option 3. Change to “Operational Hours”
Option 4. Change to “(city area i.e. Brooklyn) Hours”
Option 5. Change to “Regular Hours of Operation”
Option 6. Change to “Regular Hours”
Option 7. Change to “Regular Operational Hours”
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Do not change days and hours.
Option 1. Do not change days and hours.
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) (PHOTO) Change days and hours accordingly and as listed in (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 8a)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Please fill in appropriate information and DO NOT delete ANY buttons. Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4b)
Option 1. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Please fill in appropriate information and DO NOT delete ANY buttons. Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4b)
Option 2. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Delete Office Number and fill in appropriate Fax Number and Email Address Link (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4b)
Option 3. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Delete Fax Number and fill in appropriate Office Number and Email Address Link (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4b)
Option 4. (T.E. SEE NOTES) Delete Email Address Link and fill in appropriate Office Number and Fax Number (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Question 4a and 4b)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Unchangeable Elements of Base of Page (BoP)
-Spatial orientation of section
-Paragraph content (i.e. Copyright…. reserved) color and spatial orientation
-Paragraph content (i.e. We make…simple) color and spatial orientation
- “TERMS AND CONDITIONS/PRIVACY POLICY” content, color, spatial orientation and link.
-Social media icon color and spatial orientation
Changeable Elements of the Base of Page (BoP)
-Paragraph content (Copyright…. reserved)
-Paragraph content (i.e. We make…simple)
-Social media icon
-Add or delete social media icons
T.E. will provide a linked terms and agreements/privacy policy page, ONLY IF MEMBER PROVIDES terms and agreements/ privacy policy content in Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form: Upload document area.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Keep ALL social media icons. Icon button action- go to members’ social media URL page. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 13) If member DOES NOT HAVE social media URLs, default action of button to go to homepage of social media site.
Option 1. Keep ALL social media icons. Icon button action- go to members’ social media URL page. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 13) If member DOES NOT HAVE social media URLs, default action of button to go to homepage of social media site.
Option 2. DO NOT KEEP ALL SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS. (continue to fill in 2a thru 2g)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Unchangeable Elements of Pop-Up (POP)
-Pop-Up spatial orientation section
-Title content color and spatial orientation (i.e. company name or logo)
-Divider spatial orientation
-Heading content color and spatial orientation (i.e. WE KNOW…QUESTIONS?)
-Sub heading Paragraph content color and spatial orientation (i.e. Don’t wait until…CALL IS FREE)
-“OR” content, content color and spatial orientation
-Button content color and spatial orientation (i.e. CALL US NOW)
-Sub button content color and spatial orientation (TERMS & AGREEMENTS…)
Changeable Elements of the Pop-Up (POP)
-Background photo
-Title content (i.e. company name or logo)
-Heading content (i.e. WE KNOW…QUESTIONS?)
-Sub heading content (i.e. Don’t wait until…CALL IS FREE)
-Button content (i.e. CALL US NOW)
-Sub button content (TERMS & AGREEMENTS…)
Terms and Agreements/Privacy Policy is a page created via forms. Go to “Forms,” please copy “Terms & Agreements/ Privacy Policy Template” Please click on arrow down next to “EDIT” and hit copy, then used the copied form for member’s company. For the submit, you will have to … THANK-YOU!)
Reminder. Geographical Element’s color will change to the color chosen for MAIN COLOR, Question 1 of this form
To see our basic terms and agreement page for all websites please copy this URL into your browser. Your information will be placed respectively:
Option 1. Upload a relative stock image.
Option 1. Upload a relative stock image.
Option 2. Please upload a photo from my Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form Photo downloads [please provide photo label (For Title- Pop-Up- Q. 82- Background)]
Option 3. (PHOTO) Change to my chosen MAIN COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7a)
Option 4. (PHOTO) Change to my chosen ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7b)
Option 5. (PHOTO) Change to my chosen SUB ACCENT COLOR (Basic 2-5 Webpage C& I Form, question 7c)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Option 1. Copy and paste company’s name as title content, change heading content to “YOUR CASE IS VERY IMPORTANT,” Keep sub-heading content as “Don’t wait until it’s too late. THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE,” keep “CALL US NOW!” as button content- button action click-to-call. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 2,4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 1. Copy and paste company’s name as title content, change heading content to “YOUR CASE IS VERY IMPORTANT,” Keep sub-heading content as “Don’t wait until it’s too late. THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE,” keep “CALL US NOW!” as button content- button action click-to-call. Keep form as is. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 2,4a, 4c, 9a and 9b)
Option 2. Upload company logo image as title content, change heading content to “YOUR CASE IS VERY IMPORTANT,” change sub-heading content to “Don’t wait until it’s too late. THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE.” Keep “GET IN TOUCH NOW!” as button content- button action click-to call. Upload pre-clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, [please provide photo label with logo], Questions 4a, 4c, 9a, 9b and 28)
Option 3. Copy and paste company’s name as title content, change heading content to “THERE IS NO TIME FOR REGRETS,” change sub-heading content to “If you wait, it may be too late. Let us help you. THE CALL IS FREE.” Keep “CONTACT US NOW!” as button content- button action click-to call. Upload pre-clientele form (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 2, 4a, 4c, 9a, 9b and 28)
Option 4. Upload company logo image as title content, change heading content to “THERE IS NO TIME FOR REGRETS,” change sub-heading content to “If you wait, it may be too late. Let us help you. THE CALL IS FREE.” Keep “CALL US NOW!” as button content- button action click-to call. Upload pre clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, [please provide photo label with logo], Questions 4a, 4c and 28)
Option 5. Copy and paste company’s name as title content, change heading content to “YOUR CASE IS VERY IMPORTANT,” change sub-heading content to “Don’t wait until it’s too late. THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE,” keep “CALL US NOW!” as button content- button action click-to call. Upload pre-clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 2, 4a, 4c and 28)
Option 6. Upload company logo image as title content, change heading content to “WE KNOW YOU HAVE QUESTIONS,” change sub-heading content to “We have answers, let us help you…talk to us today! THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE,” change button content to “CALL NOW!”- button action click-to call. Upload pre-clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, [please provide photo label with logo], Questions 4a, 4c, 9a, 9b and 28)
Option 7. Copy and paste company’s name as title content, change heading content to “WE KNOW YOU HAVE QUESTIONS,” change sub-heading content to “We have answers… let us help you. Talk to us today! THE CONSULTATION CALL IS FREE,” change button content to “CALL NOW!”- button action click-to call. Upload pre-clientele form. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, [please provide photo label with logo], Questions 2, 4a, 4c, 9a, 9b and 28)
Option 8. PERSONALIZED TEMPLATE: (must copy and paste template in space provided. Fill in brackets with content given throughout Question 83 options above ONLY). ANSWERS ARE CAPITAL and LOWERCASE sensitive.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Terms and Agreements/Privacy Policy is a page created via forms. Go to “Forms,” please copy “Terms & Agreements/ Privacy Policy Template” Please click on arrow down next to “EDIT” and hit copy, then used the copied form for member’s company. For the submit, you will have to … THANK-YOU!)
If your terms and agreements are downloaded as a photo copy to VisProsper, the uploaded photo copy of your company’s terms and agreements will be upload in the condition it was received; your photo copy will be uploaded to a webpage with no additional rendering.
We highly recommend that members type out their company’s terms and agreement policy to a word document and upload it with their appropriate webpage content form.
Option 1. Keep terms and agreements/ privacy policy link. Button action- go to terms and agreements form.
Option 1. Keep terms and agreements/ privacy policy link. Button action- go to terms and agreements form.
Option 2. Eliminate terms and agreements/privacy policy link.
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
Automated Messaging
If you would like to create automated messaging. Please refer to either your Basic 2-5 Webpage C&I Form, questions 39 and 40 (only one form will be used for your T.E. to execute your Automated Messaging request). If you would like to revise or re-create any automated message please fill out a Basic 2-5 Webpage Revision Request Form.
Option 1. I DO NOT HAVE an automated SMS-Message. Please use VisProsper’s template message below, fill in my company name and receiver’s name!
Option 1. I DO NOT HAVE an automated SMS-Message. Please use VisProsper’s template message below, fill in my company name and receiver’s name!
Option 2. Copy and paste my company’s Automated SMS Message. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 39)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
VisProsper's SMS Template Message
Thank- you for your message, we are here to help you! You should be receiving a text back shortly, with your patience one of our representatives will be with you momentarily….
If you do not hear from us shortly, within 24hrs, you can always call our office during our business hours to receive a quicker response.
Reply the word “STOP” to stop receiving further messages from us.
Option 1. I DO NOT HAVE an automated E-Mail -Message. Please use VisProsper’s template message below, fill in my company name and receiver’s name!
Option 1. I DO NOT HAVE an automated E-Mail -Message. Please use VisProsper’s template message below, fill in my company name and receiver’s name!
Option 2. Copy and paste my company’s Automated SMS Message. (Basic 2-5 Webpage C &I Form, Questions 40)
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
VisProsper's E-MAIL Template Message
Hi {clientele name}
Thank-you for your inquiry. This is a CONFIRMATION EMAIL from [company’s name] letting you know we have received your message and look forward to further discussing every concern with you.
Please understand that your call and email are very important to us and will be answered in the order that it was received. One of our helpful representatives is expected to contact you within the hour of this message; if not within the hour, expect no more than a 48hour delay.
We, again, thank-you and aim to answer all of your inquiries and get your case started as soon as possible …
Talk to you shortly {clientele name}
This is an automated message, please do not respond or reply back
After you complete the information below and submit this form…expect to receive a confirmation e-mail stating that “VisProsper has received your CONTACT US PAGE TEMPLATE form and will be sending it to your assigned Team Executor momentarily.”
If you have any questions or concerns, please call your Team Executor directly or speak with one of our customer representatives. It will be our pleasure to be there for you and help you with any service issues or concerns.