Full Name
Current Base
Date of Move
To which base in Colorado Springs are you relocating?
Base Relocation
Fort Carson
Air Force Academy
Peterson Air Force Base
Schriever Air Force Base
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
What is your max distance for commute time from your residence to the base?
10-15 Minutes
15-30 Minutes
30-45 Minutes
45-60 Minutes
What types of homes are you interested in?
Home Type
Home with land
No elements found. Consider changing the search query.
List is empty.
If you have kids, is there a school district you are interested in?
Yes, but I’m not yet sure which district
No, I do not have children or school-aged children yet
Yes, I am interested in a specific district (answer in the following question)
Whichever school district is closest to the base on which I’m serving
Please enter the name of the COS school district in which you would like to live.
Minimum amount of bedrooms?
Minimum amount of bathrooms?
Minimum garage/parking space:
Street Parking
Covered carport
1-car garage
2-car garage
3-car garage+
Condition of the home?
Major updates within the past 3 years.
In good condition, but doesn’t need to be fully updated.
I don’t really care. I just need a place to live.
Are there any features that you definitely want to make sure the home contains?
Any features that you do NOT want the home to have?
Price range for your home purchase
$150k - $250k
$250k - $350k
$350k - $450k
$450k - $550k
$550k - $750k