First Time Strategy Call Survey

Welcome to your first strategy call with NeuWeb Marketing. We ask you to fill out this quick "Get to know you" survey to help us understand your business goals in order to best serve you on the call.

Are You A Business Owner?

(Or Authorized to make budget and marketing decisions?)

What Is Your Business All About?

What's The Name Of Your Business:

What Industry Category Best Fits Your Business:

What's The Size Of Your Operation:

1-3 Employees*

How Healthy is Your Lead Flow?

Number of Leads You Average Per Month:

Are you satisfied with lead volume and quality:

What Do You Think Of Your Website?

What is your website URL (Ex:

Are you satisfied with your website's performance:

Are You Currently Doing Any Search Engine Optimization?

(SEO includes blogging, backlinking, local listings, website structure/keyword enhancement)

Do You Use Any Lead Management (CRM) or Automation Software?

(Such as GoHighLevel, HubSpot, Keap, SalesForce, MailChimp, Etc...)

Where Is Your Business At Financially?

What Is Your Annual Revenue:

$250k - $500k*

Are You Satisfied With Those Numbers:

What Are Your Business Goals?

(Select ALL That Apply)

Increase Revenue*

How Soon Are You Looking To Achieve Them:

Right Now!*

Hooray! It's The Final Step!

Congratulations, one last step to qualify for your 1-on-1 strategy call. Due to the fact that our time is limited we have 3 rules for our strategy calls.

Please Accept The Following Terms To Complete Booking:

  1. I agree that I will be available during the scheduled time in a distraction free environment.

  2. I'll keep an open mind and will be ready to talk shop on the call.

  3. If I am unable to make the call, I understand I must make an effort to cancel or reschedule at least 4hrs prior to the call or I will not be allowed a second call.