This survey can't replace the work that I do with people, helping them connect deeply with their truth and articulate their value in a way that is magnetizing to their audience. Yet, it's a great start, and I am so happy for you that you are taking the time to do this work. It will serve as a foundation for all future efforts to share your self and attract clients who will greatly benefit from your gifts and give you recognition and abundance in return.
So, I invite you to close the door, put on some noise cancelling headphones. Pause for a moment and breathe. Take a few seconds to gather yourself. To be present. Present to this moment and to your sensations. Breathe...
In this survey, I am asking you a handful of simple but very powerful questions. For each slide of the survey, I beg you to slow down. Pause. Feel... before you answer. Emotions will come up. Some positive ones... others, more challenging. Have the courage to sit with them. Don't rush.
Then, write your most candid, unfiltered response. It's for you. The intentions you put into the universe and into this survey, they shape the energy that comes to you and defines your reality. So be true, and without further ado... fill out the form!
By answering these questions honestly, you've just taken a big step towards the type of candid expression that attracts clients who are an ideal fit for your unique gift.