How many contacts are in your database right now (including members and non-members)?
Less than 500
How long has your facility been open?
Less than a year
More than a year
More than 5 years
More than 10 years
What category are you in?
I'm a franchisee or franchisor with one or more locations
I own more than one location (not a franchise)
I own one location (not a franchise)
What is your current membership count?
Which ownership scenario are you?
I'm the owner and sole decision maker and don't need input from anyone else
I have a partnership, we make choices together
I'm the GM/Sales Manager
Business Website:
What has been your biggest challenge(s) in reaching your maximum membership potential?
How willing and able are you to invest in the growth of your business right now?
I have the financial resources to invest in the growth of my business right now
I have access to the financial resources to invest in the growth of my business right now
I don't have any financial resources to invest in the growth of my business right now
First Name
Last Name
Facility Name
Facility Phone
Cell Phone (we will communicate with you via text prior to our meeting)
Mad Capper Studios